Terms of service


Bonjour Leon is a product of SAS Uni-CE. This website is the property of Uni-CE SAS, with a share capital of € 1000, whose head office is located at 40 rue Madeleine Michelis, 92 200 Neuilly sur Seine, registered with the trade and companies register of Nanterre under the number 809 530 835. 


The provider hosting the site is the company OVH SAS whose head office is based at 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, registered in the Register of Commerce and Industry of Lille Métropole under the number B 424 761 419.

Cookie management

The company Uni-CE automatically collects information about you through cookies to track your navigation within the Site. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers transferred to the hard disk of your computer via its Internet browser which allow the company Uni-CE to recognize this browser and thus to offer you more innovative and attractive features. However, you can configure your computer to block the registration of cookies.

Operation and use of the website

The company Uni-CE SAS is bound only by an obligation of means with regard to the functioning and continuity of the website and can not be held responsible  :
– for the speeds of access to the website including from other websites, speeds of opening and consultation of the pages of the website, external slowdowns, suspension or inaccessibility of the website, fraudulent use by third parties of all information made available on the website.
– for facts due to a case of force majeure as defined by the case law and in particular the following cases : breakdowns and technical problems concerning the hardware, programs, software. The Internet may in the appropriate case, suspend or terminate the service. 
– if the service offered by the website is incompatible or malfunctions with certain software, configurations, operating systems, navigation and equipment that you use. 
You are solely responsible for the use of the service and the website and can not hold Uni-CE SAS accountable for any claim and / or procedure made against it.
The company Uni-CE reserves the right, without notice or compensation, to temporarily or definitively stop a service or all the services it offers on the website.
The information published on our site does not constitute an investment recommendation or a financial advice, each user accessing our site having special needs at the time of connection.

Intellectual property rights

Any downloading, deterioration, reproduction, copy, modification, commercial use, total or partial, of the various elements of the website, without the prior authorization of the company Uni-CE SAS, is prohibited and exposes his or her authors to prosecution.

Applicable right

These provisions are subject to French law. Director of publication : Mr. Benjamin Ollive